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About us

Asset Back – Your Trusted Scam Recovery Partner

Asset Back is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses recover from the distressing aftermath of scams and fraudulent activities. We understand the emotional and financial toll that scams can take, and our mission is to provide you with the support, guidance, and expertise needed to navigate the path to recovery with confidence.

Asset Back was founded by a group of passionate individuals who recognized the growing need for a trustworthy partner in the fight against scams. We came together to create a platform offering comprehensive scam recovery services, powered by a dedicated team of experts with backgrounds in financial tracking, legal expertise, and cyber tracking. This multidisciplinary approach enables us to effectively tackle complex cases, tailoring our strategies to each client’s specific needs.








Recover your
funds now

Our Proven Statistics

Binary Options
Crypto Scam
Investment Scam
Other Scams

At Asset Back, we firmly believe that everyone deserves access to justice, regardless of the complexity or scale of the financial fraud they have endured. With over 14 years of experience and $125,400,987 recovered in Scammed Funds for our Clients. Asset Back is rated as the top in Scammer Database and Legal Negotiations.

Asset Back Database

Over 9 million Email, Username, Pseudo Name, Phone Number, crypto address, website. Your Scammer is in our Global Database.

Our Value Our Mission Our Vision
We pride ourselves on providing exceptional client service, treating each case with the utmost confidentiality, sensitivity, and professionalism.

Our team works closely with clients, ensuring clear and transparent communication throughout the recovery process. We understand the emotional toll that financial fraud can take, and we are dedicated to providing support and guidance to our clients every step of the way.

Our mission is to be the trusted partner and advocate for our clients in navigating the complex and ever-changing landscape of financial law.

We are dedicated to safeguarding their interests, providing expert guidance, and delivering tailored solutions that protect and maximize their financial well-being

We envision a future where financial justice is accessible to all, regardless of their financial means or background.

Through our commitment to fairness and our relentless pursuit of justice, we seek to level the playing field and ensure that every individual and business has an equal opportunity to protect their rights and secure their financial interests.

Have you been scammed out?


Contact us immediately with all relevant information for your asset recovery.

Security And Legal Partners